Solely Swing is dedicated to fostering a safe, comfortable, and fun environment in which dancers, volunteers, and organizers can enjoy themselves. All attendees, therefore, are required to comply with the Code of Conduct in all dances, classes, meetings, and practice sessions. We expect complete cooperation from everyone in upholding these guidelines to create a more inclusive, welcoming, and safe environment for all.
Standards of Behavior Solely Swing seeks to create a community characterized by universal respect and care. We do not tolerate harassment at Solely Swing-sponsored or co-hosted events. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, religious affiliation, physical appearance, disability, or body size; inappropriate sexual behavior (verbal and physical); deliberate intimidation; stalking; following; repeated unwanted photography/recording; inappropriate physical contact; threatening behavior; and the sustained disruption of dances, classes, or meetings. Attendees in violation of these standards may be verbally warned, dismissed, or banned from events without a refund depending on the degree of the violation.
Reporting Concerns If you feel harassed, if you notice that someone else is being harassed, or if you have any other concerns at a Solely Swing-sponsored event please notify Solely Swing organizers immediately. Concerns can also be expressed at [email protected]. All concerns are treated seriously, with compassion, and with discretion.
Safety Policy Solely Swing prohibits the execution of aerials during social activities. Any movement involving a dancer being unable to support their own weight, not being in control of their own movement, not having both feet on the floor simultaneously, a dancer’s head being closer to the floor than their knees, or dipping a partner without express verbal consent are strictly prohibited. Verbal warnings will be issued to all participants who violate these guidelines. Repeated violation of this policy may be grounds for permanent dismissal from Solely Swing events. All attendees assume responsibility and liability for any injuries they may sustain or cause during and/or as a result of Solely Swing events. Solely Swing accepts no responsibility for injuries due to the behavior of participants or personal health status.
*Special thanks for the JDEC for their permission in adapting their Safe Space policy for use in Solely Swing’s Code of Conduct.